Bitter Apricot Kernels & Bitter Almonds.

Updated 01 Aug 2018

Nutritionists often recommend eating rational quantities of fruit seeds as part of a healthy lifestyle. Bitter Apricot Kernels or Bitter Almonds have historically been popular choices.

The Food Standards Agency now advise that this product should not be consumed unless cyanide levels in the kernel are consistently below 20 mg/kg. 

People on medication, or those with food allergies or intolerance, should take medical advice before taking. Apricot kernels can cause a temporary low blood pressure reaction.

Seedeaters is non-commercial, but UK suppliers include:

South African Bitter Apricot Kernels Dayspring, Westhaven, Hurtmore Rd, Godalming GU7 2RA. Tel 01483 418258

Try mixing milled flax seeds into a pot of yoghurt (Budwig diet). This is an amazing food, and truly delicious. Historically, often mixed with ground bitter apricot kernels, but see above.

As part of a healthy lifestyle, your physician may recommend taking a multivitamin supplement, a digestive enzyme supplement or fresh pineapple, selenium, zinc, lysine, and vitamin C. Eat plenty of organic fruit & vegetables, avoid refined white sugar, drink plenty of water, and take regular exercise.